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Judy Williams & Fabia Tory in the Mouatt & Macalister Rooms

  • 12 Feb 2024
  • 10:00
  • 25 Feb 2024
  • 16:00
  • The Gallery

Judy Williams

Extinct Again

I paint native plants from my garden on Dunghutti country which I view as a record of things overlooked and disregarded.  I despair as I witness the destruction happening as native habitat is exoticised, anglicised or resortised.  My 'Extinct Again' series allowed me to revere our native flora.

Fabia Tory

Word Pictures

I've been a painter pretty much my entire adult life. In 2009 my husband died. Such a terrible blow, especially for him. So that he would be remembered, I wrote a memoir, 'A Book of Not Forgetting.' Whilst writing, I became enchanted by the sounds, look and meanings of some words. Although I continued to paint recognisable objects, this small body of work grew out of this captivation.


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